Probado y Verificado

Aprobado según las normas de las siguientes
organizaciones industriales

Tested and verified
Proceso de Tratamiento ThermaClear®
Ver ThermaClear® En Acción

ThermaClear® ha sido probado, validado y certificado de forma independiente por
siendo compatible con todos los refrigerantes y aceites refrigerantes.

Durante más de 130 años, empresas de todo el mundo han
confiado en Intertek para garantizar la calidad y seguridad
de sus productos, procesos y sistemas.

Intertek es uno de los principales proveedores mundiales de garantía de calidad total.
Cuenta con más de 1,000 laboratorios y oficinas en todo el mundo y más de
44,000 empleados en más de 100 países. Son líderes en el suministro
de soluciones personalizadas de aseguramiento, ensayo, inspección,
Validación y Certificación de productos.

Identificar y
mitigar el riesgo
intrínseco de la
materia prima de

de la calidad,
seguridad, y sostenibilidad
de ThermaClear® y
de sus normas de

Validación de la
rendimiento y
seguridad de

formal de que
cumple o supera todas
las normas externas
e internas de
confianza de la industria
de la climatización (HVAC).

Líder del Sector en Descarbonización, Sostenibilidad y Ahorro Operativo

  • Solución validada de tratamiento de la degradación térmica HVAC/R* con resultados de ahorro demostrados.
  • Calefacción, Ventilación, Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeración.
  • Reconocido por Ingenieros y Organizaciones Profesionales independientes acreditadas que demuestran la eficacia sostenida del producto a largo plazo.
  • El único producto de eficacia probada que permite ahorrar costos energéticos a largo plazo al restablecer la eficacia de las unidades DX/Split y de refrigeración debido a la suciedad del aceite.

Reconocida por las Asociaciones
más Importantes del Sector

Tenemos la Formulación Adecuada
para su Equipo de HVAC


ThermaClear® es un nanofluido registrado y propiedad de ECM, formulado para optimizar el
rendimiento del refrigerante. Los distintos tipos de sistemas requieren formulaciones
ThermaClear® específicas, todas las cuales reducen significativamente las incrustaciones
de aceite para aumentar la eficiencia del rendimiento de su equipo.

¡Datos sobre ThermaClear®!

  • Más de 2,000 unidades individuales tratadas a la fecha en más de 4 años

  • Más de 25,000 toneladas de equipos tratados

  • Desde unidades split refrigeradas por aire de 1 tonelada hasta chillers enfridados por agua de 1,600 toneladas

  • Validado por ingenieros y analistas independientes

  • 100% de los sitios repotan ahorro a largo plazo con ThermaClear®

  • Óptimo tanto para sistemas nuevos como usados

  • Recuperación típica de la inversión del tratamiento en 12-36 meses

  • 1 tratamiento para toda la vida útil del equipo

  • Más de 10,500,000 m2 de espacio acondicionado tratado hasta la fecha

  • 1 millón de dólares de garantía durante el resto de la vida útil de ese sistema

  • Ahorro demostrado con las principales marcas de equipo original de fábrica (OEM)

  • Compatible con todas las principales marcas OEM de chillers y sistemas DX (excepto sistemas sin aceite)

Aplicado a los Principales Sistemas OEM

ThermaClear® ha demostrado ser eficaz en incrementar el rendimiento en todos los tamaños y tipos de DX, chillers y sistemas split HVAC, incluyendo estas marcas reconocidas.

Thermal Zone
American Stand

Empresas y Organizaciones que Utilizan


Make a wish
Willies Taco Joint
The Westfield Group
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Mesa AZ
Maricopa County
Mesa Fire Dept
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Wilson Property Services
Sun Trust
Long Toyota
Arizona Boys and Girls Club of the Valley
Morgan Stanley
Madison Marquette
Open Society Foundations
Mercedes Benz
Phx Art

Testimonio de ThermaClear®

Validated HVAC performance
impact through rigorous M&V

ECM Technologies applied rigorous field testing for ThermaClear® using real-time monitoring to validate HVAC performance improvement in accordance with the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)*. Our monitoring system used industry standard sensors to capture key indoor and outdoor metrics like temperature, humidity, chill water/air flow and energy consumption every minute over an extended testing period, usually 3-9 months.

A baseline period was captured prior to treatment, then a post-treatment data set, monitored frequently, was collected for analysis. Our analysis hinged on the ability to aggregate statistically significant performance data points under like conditions (that is, during similar external weather conditions and similar internal building heat loads) between the baseline and post-treatment data sets. Then, we compared average results to demonstrate and quantify improvement.

*quantified utilizing IPMVP methods Options A or B
ECM Technologies applied rigorous field testing for ThermaClear™

Frequently Asked Questions

How often does the HVAC equipment get treated?

One treatment lasts the lifetime of the equipment.

Does it matter if the HVAC system uses mineral based or synthetic based freon oil?

The equipment specific formulas work in either mineral or synthetic systems. ECM Technologies has specific formulations for DX/Split, Chillers Systems.

Who handles the installation?

Only certified professional HVAC technicians perform the treatment installation.

Does the HVAC equipment need to be shut down during installation?

The equipment must be running during the installation, no down time is required.

Will treatment impact my equipment manufacturer’s warranty?

No. If the equipment is still under the OEM’s warranty it will still apply. Plus, ECM Technologies includes an additional warranty for the life of the equipment. Further, the Magnuson-Moss Act 15 U.S.C. 2301 enabled regulation of consumer product warranties prohibiting OEM’s from using disclaimers in an unfair or misleading manner. ThermaClear™ does not void any OEM warranties.

Does ThermaClear® have any environmental or special handling/storage requirements?

ThermaClear® is non-toxic and non-hazardous and does not contain solvents or any chlorine, components (chlorine presence may result in creation of acids that are undesirable and damaging to refrigeration systems). ThermaClear® is air shippable, has no special handling requirements beyond those normally used for refrigerant oil, should be stored at room temperature out of sunlight, and has no special requirements for disposal.

How does ThermaClear® compare to other products? Is it a PROA?

ThermaClear® is not a PROA. It’s chemical composition and action are fundamentally different. ThermaClear® is cutting edge nanotechnology that took years to develop, put through extensive laboratory testing and then placed into multiple long term pilot programs with major organizations and institutions over a 4-year period. The results all demonstrated significant sustained efficiency improvement validated by 3rd party professional engineers.

How does ThermaClear® work?

In virtually all air conditioning and refrigeration systems, small amounts of compressor lubricating oil circulates with the refrigerant. This oil attaches to the inner walls of evaporator and condenser coils. ThermaClear® reverses oil fouling by removing buildup from the coil walls. Once the thermal barrier is eliminated, the system is permanently restored to peak performance.

How is ThermaClear® applied?

ThermaClear® is installed through the low-pressure service port while the equipment is running, no service disruptions are necessary. ThermaClear® must be installed by a qualified HVAC service technician who has appropriate refrigerant certification & Licenses.

In what types of equipment can ThermaClear® be installed?

ThermaClear® may be installed in most HVAC-R equipment. We do not install ThermaClear® in equipment with coalescing oil separators or oil-free refrigeration circuits such as magnetic bearing centrifugal chillers.

What is ThermaClear® ?

ThermaClear® is a long-chain liquid nano-material of proprietary formulation that improves lubrication and anti-wear while bonding to heat exchanger metal surfaces, enhancing thermal conductivity. The proprietary formulation is mixed with polyol ester refrigeration oil to act as a carrier for installation that remains in liquid state throughout the operational compression and vaporization stages of freon within the HVAC system.

What is the lifespan of ThermaClear® application?

ThermaClear® is a one-time application for the life of the condensing equipment.

What is the typical payback for ThermaClear® customers?

Installation payback typically occurs in 12 – 36 months. Your specific payback will depend on your equipment age, condition and operational use, in addition to your climate zone and local utility rate plan. We can assist you with an assessment of your specific situation to better understand what you can expect.

What type of documentation on ThermaClear® is available?

Safety Data Sheets and Case Study details upon request.

Where is ThermaClear® manufactured?

In the United States, formulated in ISO-9001 certified chemical manufacturing facilities. Distributed out of Phoenix, AZ.