Performance Reports

See how ThermaClear® has been used in various building installations & equipment types

Validated HVAC Performance Impact
through Rigorous Measurement & Verification

ECM Technologies applied rigorous field testing for ThermaClear® using real-time monitoring to validate HVAC performance improvement in accordance with the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)*. Our monitoring system used industry standard sensors to capture key indoor and outdoor metrics like temperature, humidity, chill water/air flow and energy consumption every minute over an extended testing period, usually 3-9 months.

Field testing for ThermaClear®

A baseline period was captured prior to treatment, then a post-treatment data set, monitored frequently, was collected for analysis. Our analysis hinged on the ability to aggregate statistically significant performance data points under like conditions (that is, during similar external weather conditions and similar internal building heat loads) between the baseline and post-treatment data sets. Then, we compared average results to demonstrate and quantify improvement.

Phoenix Art Museum

106,756 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
View Case Study

Phoenix Sky Harbor

17,047 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
View Case Study

Arizona State University

64,211 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
View Case Study

Facilities Services Corportaion

31,522 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
View Case Study

Miami Tower

129,284 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
View Case Study

Signature Flight Support

41,090 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
View Case Study

Retail Bank Branch

12,976 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
View Case Study

Energy Savings for Warehousing

13% annual energy savings

View Case Study

Energy Savings at SJI International

20% annual energy savings

View Case Study
Water cooled

Phoenix Art Museum

106,756 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
Air cooled

Phoenix Sky Harbor

17,047 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
DX Equipment

Arizona State University

64,211 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
DX Equipment

Facilities Services Corportaion

31,522 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
Water cooled

Miami Tower

129,284 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
Air cooled

Signature Flight Support

41,090 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually
JP Morgan Chase white paper
DX Equipment

JP Morgan Chase

12,976 kWh reduction in energy consumption annually

kWh reduction in energy consumption annually

kWh reduction in energy consumption annually


View ThermaClear® eBook


View ASTM D2763 Test

ThermaClear® Chiller Installation

View ThermaClear® Chiller Installation

ThermaClear® DX Installation Instructions

View ThermaClear® DX Installation

Energy Savings for Warehousing

Energy Savings for Warehousing

Energy Savings at SJI International

View Energy Savings at SJI International

ecm-View-ThermaClear® MSDS-v1

View ThermaClear® MSDS


View Water Cooled Chiller ThermaClear® Treatment Instructions


View DX / Split Equipment ThermaClear® Treatment Instructions


View US Patent & Trademark Registration


View Long-Term Equipment Treatment & Continued Savings


View ThermaClear® Protected by the FTC